
The following is a list of recently verified VHF & up nets. If you know of a net that should be listed, please contact the webmaster.

East Coast 70cm NET

Wednesday 9~10pm 432.090  NCS: W4DEX Dex EM95tg

The net generally starts toward the south picking up stations in SC, GA, and FL as far south as Orlando under normal conditions. By 9:30 we are looking toward Huntsville AL and then into western NC and Eastern TN, KY, OH. By 9:40 the net is usually looking north toward Blacksburg, Martinsville, and Covington VA. By 9:50 we are looking northeast toward Washington DC, Maryland, and Richmond VA. Also check-ins from the central portions of NC are taken throughout the net as convenient.

The Net is also assisted by a chat page at  . Signing onto that chat page with call and grid square allows us to sequence calls several times looking for the more distant stations and helps everyone see how the net is progressing due to turn out and conditions in various directions.

The East Coast 70cm NET is primarily a propagation net helping to maintain activity for more than 42 years across the eastern US. Check-ins for past net sessions are posted on the W4DEX website so you can see how successful the net is year round at reaching various areas. Over the years the net has checked in a sum total of over 600 stations in 25 states. A typical session today is 20 stations in NC, SC, FL, GA, AL, TN, and VA under even winter conditions.

With the advent of FT8 there is also 70cm activity prior to the East Coast 70cm NET using the same chat page up until the SSB net takes over. KG4WLX in Knoxville TN generally runs that activity session. It typically gets check-ins from NC, SC, GA, FL, and TN presently, but is growing.

Activity has slowed in the northeast in terms of check-ins over the past few years. We would like to see that once again become a contributing area to the net. In the past MD, NJ, NY, PA, and WV were frequently on the net. Some stations have moved to Florida fueling that growth of the nets’ southern half. But there are still plenty of stations in new England who should be on the net but have just gotten out of the habit. We would like to welcome you back.

The 1296.100 Friday Net

K6TSK in DM03xt operates the net, looking to northern CA before 8:00 and at 8:00 to 8:15 for general check-ins, then to the east from 8:15 to 8:20, south from 8:20 to 8:25, local check-ins to 8:30, and again to the north before closing the net. For those on FM they look on 1294.500 FM at 8:35pm sharp, and and close at 8:40pm.

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